Is There A Way to Prevent Roof Rats coming into my Attic?

Is There A Way to Prevent Roof Rats coming into my Attic?

Rats do not always go for the attic, it depends on the type of rat, roof rats, or ship rats as they used to be called learned to live on sailing ships and are master climbers. They can scurry up your drainpipe in no time and are very good at finding places to enter through, or they can chew one for themselves. These rats are very common in the attic and are, like all rats, constant chewers, needing to file down their central incisors or they may grow through their bottom lip. This is necessary for their survival and will cause them to destroy the attic, chew on electric wires and maybe even start a fire. Their urine and feces will slowly sink through the insulation and will start to stain the ceiling and could even cause the ceiling to cave in from the amount of urine and feces. If you want to know if you have roof rats you need only smell your attic. If it smells like Windex then you have rats. 

If you want to get rid of the rats in your home, contact Pest Control Mississauga to solve your rat problem!

Trying to exterminate or remove roof rats on your is not like killing off ground-dwelling rats, fir off you may need to access the outside of a roof and not everyone is physically capable of climbing a tall ladder to a second-story roof. Maybe a bungalow but likely hood is you do not want to risk it. You can also try poison but you will have to enter the actual attic to pour it around and there may be rats in there which can get dangerous if they are scared and try to attack you. Rats attack people by running up their pant leg and biting them. This is painful and horrifying. Do not try this on your own. 

Roof rats, like all rats, cannot be allowed to die in the attic. Because they tend to use the attic for sleeping and breeding and leave the attic to find food there is one method that works very well. It’s called exclusion and the one-way door. The technician will inspect your roof for entry ways if he finds many he will seal up most of them and then attach a one-way door to the others. The one-way door allows the rat to leave the attic of its own volition but when the rat tries to get back in they will be locked out. This can very effective in combination with snap traps that can successfully kill the rats without causing them to die within the walls of the house which would be a very problematic scenario as the sheer amount of water in a rat will rot and stain the wall and cause a smell of rot like nothing you have ever smelled before.